Friday, March 11, 2011

Welcome to PeekaBOOB!

Welcome to PeekaBOOB!  For my first blog post, I'd like to introduce myself and introduce this blog.  I’m a stay at home attachment parenting mama to a beautiful 20 month old daughter.  From the time I was young,  I always knew that I wanted to breastfeed.  Probably because my mom breastfed me and talked about going to La Leche League meetings and also because an incredible mama of a family that lived in my neighborhood breastfed her children and I watched and learned from her.  
I read a TON during my pregnancy.  Mostly about pregnancy, labor, delivery, vaccinations, swaddling, car seats, baby-proofing, etc.  I really didn’t read that much about breastfeeding.  I figured – you put the baby to the boob and there ya go.  What could be so difficult about that?  Right? HAHA…I laugh at my naivety back then…     
For the first week, Miss T and I struggled…nursing was extremely awkward and sometimes painful.  Fortunately, my pediatrician had an excellent lactation consultant on staff and she showed me exactly how to nurse.  I was one of the fortunate mamas, who after that first week, it all became a lot easier.  I was also fortunate for a very supportive family.  My husband and my mom were my biggest supporters and let me “sleep when the baby sleeps”.  That also helped my breastfeeding endeavors.    At that point, my goal was to try and nurse Miss T for a year. 
However, after I made it beyond the first 8 weeks and I was returning to some semblance of normalcy, I started reading a lot about breastfeeding.  And as I continued to breastfeed and continued to read and learn, I knew that for me, the right choice was baby-led weaning.  I was not going to force my sweet girl to give up something so vital to her physical and emotional health because of a time table that society thought I should be following. 
When my daughter reached her one year milestone and especially now that she’s way past it, I find that I run into lots of people who criticize (read: doctors and nurses who should know better) and lots of people who like to offer unsolicited advice that is not backed by ANY research! 
There are all sorts of other issues that have arisen since my daughter reached toddlerhood, that didn’t exist when she was an infant.   She has now become a “boob gourmet”.  She’ll start nursing on one side and then shortly decide she absolutely does not want that side, but must have the other side.  She’ll literally push one breast away and then sign “booby” for my other side.  
She also likes to play while nursing.  Whether it’s making silly facial gestures, “twiddling” my other nipple or doing acrobatics with my boob still in her mouth, it makes for interesting nursing sessions.  (Plus, it’s what inspired me for the name of this blog, as peek-a-boo is one of Miss T’s favorite games.)
We’re also in the process of night weaning her.  Yes, I did say that I wouldn’t refuse my daughter the breast, but we’re at the point where she is old enough to go 7 hours without eating and this is better for her sleep cycle as well.  She still has access to all the breast milk she wants during the day time.  
I had night weaned her back in December and we were very successful.  However, 3 weeks later I had my first case ever of mastitis and had to “un” night wean her for a while.  I’m told that it’s not uncommon for it to take 3 or 4 tries before night weaning is permanent.
That brings me back to this blog. Though, there is growing support for new breastfeeding mamas (which I think is awesome!) there are way fewer resources of support for those nursing beyond infancy.  So I don’t really know how smoothly or not, night weaning is supposed to go.  I need support! I want to support others! It’s from these desires, that PeekaBOOB was born. 
My goal is to write a blog every week.   I will also be sharing posts and blogs related to breastfeeding.  I invite guest bloggers, as well. 
Welcome to PeekaBOOB.  Please stay a while.
~ Booby Mama


  1. I love this! I've been BFing for just over 6 months, and I'm doing babyled weaning as well! Looking forward to your blogs!

  2. Excellent blog! I am nursing a 26-month-old who co-sleeps. I may be night-weaning hime soon and could do with some help. We also play peek-a-boo! My boy likes to kneel on my lap or lay on top of me and go at it like it's an Olympic sport - lol. Thanks for sharing your stories.Sorry for anon but I am not registered with Google.

  3. I think a lot of docs fail to make this rec because they themselves have no experience with longterm nursing. I can't tell you how many doctors and nurses have exclaimed in surprise when I tell them I still nurse my 13 month old AND my 3 year old. I have provided THEM with information about extended nursing while they have shared with me their experience of early weaning children, poor milk supply, etc. One nurse told me she couldn't breastfeed because her breasts were too small. I think the ignorance about breastfeeding in the medical community is staggering and saddening. I never get the kudos I should for nursing my children as long as I do! It's hard work, gimme some credit :).


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