I was pondering what to write about this week, when a good friend sent me the below link. It’s an article which discusses a study that has experts recommending that breast feeding mamas, delay breast feeding after vaccinations. http://vactruth.com/2011/04/05/experts-recommend-delaying-breastfeeding-until-vaccinations-have-taken-effect/
The study itself (http://www.greenmedinfo.com/article/vaccination-proponents-have-suggested-breastfeeding-should-be-delayed-order-prevent-immune-f) claims that breastfeeding after vaccination, in particular the Rotavirus vaccination, lessens the potency of the vaccine.
I have a problem with this. First of all, though they only tested the Rotavirus vaccine, which happens to be an oral vaccine; but the interpretation, allows for inference that breast feeding lessens the potency for all vaccinations.
Since the Rotavirus vaccine is given orally, it does stand to reason that taking something by mouth (like breast milk) soon afterwards, could alter it. Most medications when taken orally, can be altered by taking certain foods or other medications soon after.
The Rotavirus vaccine contains disabled live viruses. One of the many wonderful properties of breast milk is that it contains antibacterial and antiviral components. Its very mechanism is to weaken and/or destroy foreign pathogens. So, it stands to reason that breast milk would lessen the efficacy of the Rotavirus vaccination.
But is this a bad thing? I don’t believe so at all because the breast milk is also going to greatly reduce the chance that the child will get Rotavirus to begin with. If the child does contract Rotavirus, he/she will be able to fight it off thanks to all the immune properties in breast milk.
I opted to not give my daughter the Rotavirus vaccination for the very reason that I know my breast milk will protect her and help her to build up her own immune system. Plus, one of the main concerns from Rotavirus is that the child will become quickly dehydrated. However, breastfeeding children have a much lesser chance of that happening since breast milk is easily digested, easily absorbed and readily hydrates the body.
I would be remiss, if I didn’t, at this point, delve a little into the vaccine debate. As a first time mom it’s something with which I struggled.
I agonized with the decision about whether to vaccinate my baby or not. I read so many books and so many internet studies and even talked to a lot of parents. I researched both sides of the coin. So when I brought my daughter in for her 2 month check up, I actually left the building without her receiving any vaccinations. (I had declined all vaccinations at the hospital when she was born.) However, I also left the doctor’s office crying. I had to sign a paper stating that I refused vaccinations for my daughter and that I was completely responsible for all consequences (I don’t remember the exact wording as that was 19 months ago, now. However, that was the gist.) Before that, the pediatrician had given me a whole lecture and told me that I was basing my choice on emotions rather than on facts and that I was greatly putting my daughter at risk of serious and deadly illnesses that are quite common if she is not vaccinated. She then handed me a bunch of literature to read and told me that she and all of her other physician friends had all completely and without any hesitation, vaccinated all of their own children. Talk about playing on the fears of a new momma!
I cried as I walked to the car with my daughter. On the drive home, I continued to cry. I came home and jumped on the computer and did more research. When my husband came home from work, I relayed everything and cried some more.
After much crying, researching and deliberating, my husband and I decided to a do a revised version of Dr. Sears’ Alternate Vaccination Schedule. His schedule basically breaks up all the vaccinations, so that instead of receiving 4 or 5 vaccines at one time every other month, the child would be receiving only 1 or 2 vaccines every month. (See below for Dr. Sears’ alternate schedule*)
I then went through his schedule and made my own modifications. I decided that my daughter didn’t need the Rotavirus, the MMR, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Chicken Pox or the Influenza vaccinations. So to date, my little girl has only received dTap, HIB and Pneumunococcal .
We ultimately chose this route because at the time, my mom (who lives down the street and who we constantly visit with and vice versa) was teaching at a large school where her “children” would hug, sneeze and cough all over her. My sister was in a large inner city high school. She, too, was always over and holding my daughter. Plus my husband was (and continues to) working two (full time) jobs. Since we figured that there was a slight risk to some of the possibly more serious illnesses, we decided to vaccinate just against those.
So I went back a few days later to let my daughter receive her first vaccination. I cried the entire time and not just because she was crying and in pain (believe me, that was utterly heart breaking), but also because I worried about whether I had made the correct decision or not.
The doctor agreed to let me follow this revised and split up schedule. Though, she said that there really was no reason to split up the vaccinations. She also cautioned me that it would mean bringing my daughter to her office more often where she’d have more exposures to the sick children in her waiting room! Also, in big giant letters in my daughter’s chart, it says “undervaccinated per parental request”. Every time I see that, I still feel hurt and “picked on” for trying to do the best for my child. But that’s another blog for another day.
Getting back to breastfeeding, I do have to say that the first few times my daughter was pinched with those needles, she cried and cried. I nursed her right after and eventually that quieted her down. However, I spoke to a mama who told me to ask if I could nurse her while she received the shot. So the next time she was due for a vaccination, I asked the nurse if it would be ok if I nursed her while it was being administered. I received a funny look, but the nurse said “sure, why not?” Let me tell what a difference it made! As my daughter was lying on the table, I took out my breast and gave it to her (being large breasted definitely helps!) and she began sucking away. She made just a teeny cry when she was actually pricked with the needle and then nothing else – she just went on eating as if nothing had happened. The nurse was amazed. I felt relieved. Every time, after that, I nursed her during the vaccination ordeal. Ahhh, another wonder of breast feeding – it’s the all around comforter!
So not only do I not think that breast feeding needs to be delayed after the Rotavirus vaccine or any other vaccine, I believe that breastfeeding is a must during the vaccination process! While vaccine proponents are using this study to vilify breastfeeding and are trying to scare the parents with “don’t breastfeed after a vaccination or the vaccine won’t do its job”, I’d like to counter with “Breastfeeding is the best vaccine of them all.” Don’t you agree?
*Dr. Sears’ Alternate Vaccination Schedule:
2 months
3 months
4 months
Rotavirus (second dose)
DTaP (second dose)
5 months
PCV (second dose)
Hib (second dose)
6 months
Rotavirus (third dose)
DTaP (third dose)
7 months
PCV (third dose)
Hib (third dose)
9 months
Influenza (and given every year until at least 19 years old)
12 months
Polio (second dose)
Mumps (separated from MMR)
15 months
PCV (fourth dose)
Hib (fourth dose)
18 months
DTaP (fourth dose)
2 years
Rubella (separated from MMR)
Polio (third dose)
2 1/2 years
Hep B
Hep A
3 1/2 years
Hep B (second dose)
Measles (separated from MMR)
4 years
DTaP (fifth dose)
Polio (fourth dose)
5 years
MMR (second dose of each vaccine)
6 years
Varicella (second dose)
12 years
12 years, 2 months
HPV (second dose)
13 years
HPV (third dose)
3 months
4 months
Rotavirus (second dose)
DTaP (second dose)
5 months
PCV (second dose)
Hib (second dose)
6 months
Rotavirus (third dose)
DTaP (third dose)
7 months
PCV (third dose)
Hib (third dose)
9 months
Influenza (and given every year until at least 19 years old)
12 months
Polio (second dose)
Mumps (separated from MMR)
15 months
PCV (fourth dose)
Hib (fourth dose)
18 months
DTaP (fourth dose)
2 years
Rubella (separated from MMR)
Polio (third dose)
2 1/2 years
Hep B
Hep A
3 1/2 years
Hep B (second dose)
Measles (separated from MMR)
4 years
DTaP (fifth dose)
Polio (fourth dose)
5 years
MMR (second dose of each vaccine)
6 years
Varicella (second dose)
12 years
12 years, 2 months
HPV (second dose)
13 years
HPV (third dose)
we did a Sears version too and totally skipped the Rotovirus..
ReplyDeleteI am HUGE proponent of the alternate vaccination schedule. Because some people have (WRONGLY!) stated that vaccines cause autism, I deal with this often in my profession. Many parents are scared by what unknowledgable people and the media have to say so they choose not to vaccinate. And in the end the really do more harm than good.
ReplyDeleteEven if they are breats fed, when children go to school they are exposed to MANY things. And breastfeeding alone will NOT fight some of these off. (Chicken pox is a good example...) Also, if your child gets bit at school (and in autism classrooms this is a likely possibility) or your child bites a teacher or another student, you are opening yourself up to a lot of issues.
And now students are not allowed in school without vaccines unless it is for religious reasons. You can no longer leave your child unvaccinated at Kinder age unless you sign the religion waiver. There is no longer a medical waiver.
Autism is not caused by vaccines...but many illnesses and sicknesses are caused due to the lack of them. I actually just spoke with a parent today about how she didn't vaccinate her breast fed child and he now has a raging case of the chicken pox. He may have to be hospitalized because of it.
The alternate schedule puts MANY fears at ease and is JUST as effective. Thank you for putting it out there as an option!
What is the purpose of breaking up the vaccines? What is your reason for skipping those vaccinations? I roll my sleeve up and hold my kids down for almost any vaccination. The pain is VERY short lived - moments at best. Vaccines do FAR more good than harm. Children used to suffer terribly and even die from illnesses that children currently do not even get. This is not because these illnesses are gone, it is because children are protected from gettign them through vaccination. I choose the momentary pain of a vaccine over potential weeks of illness, pain, stress, and complications. You won't be breastfeeding her when she is in school where she will be exposed to all sorts of things! And, yes, breastfeeding will build her immune system, but it won't give her immunity to measles or mumps or rubella or ... So I do not agree that breastfeeding is the best vaccine of them all. In my opinion, the two things have nothing to do with one another. Vaccinate no matter how you feed your baby.
ReplyDeleteMy nephew who was exclusively breastfed had rotovirus and was hospitalized and almost died. I chose to get the vaccine for that reason.
ReplyDeleteMy kids also don't cry at their vaccinations. Its funny because I always planned to comfort them by nursing but they never needed it.
But on a last note you need to find a doctor that better supports your family views. I choose to not do certain vaccines and although my doctor said once he supports them he was not demeaning to my choices as a parent. Hugs you are a great mom!!
It had nothing to do with the pain aspect... I split the vax up because I think that it's too much for a tiny baby with a tiny immune system to handle all at once. My reasons for skipping some of the vax is that there are alot of volatile ingredients in some of them from aluminum to additives and even human DNA. I also don't believe that there is as much rigorous testing and long term follow up into the safety as their should be. When we were children we received about 9 vaccines. Children today receive 20+ vaccines. There are more auto immune diseases than ever...and I don't think that's a coincidence. I believe that over loading humans with too many vaccines wrecks havoc with normal immune fuction. Again, this is just my opinion which I've formed from tons of reading on all sides of the vaccine war coin.
ReplyDeleteWow, you poor thing! I think you need to find a new doctor! Or make THEM sign a waiver that says THEY are responsible for any side effects your child receives if you give them the vaccine (if they make you do it, they should too huh? Double standard).
ReplyDeleteMay I ask why you even see a ped? I mean, if you don't want to vaccinate, you can see a family naturalpath that will do well visits and offer up many more ways to keep your kids healthy.
Per Shannon's comment- Autism has never been proven to NOT be caused by vaccines. They have only tested ONE vaccine (the MMR), and they have only tested ONE ingredient (Thimerosol). And even those studies were full of MANY conflicts of interest. So to say that it is fact that Autism isn't caused by vaccines- that is just simply WRONG. The fact is that we don't know. And more parents are swayed by the countless number of friends they have with vaccine damaged children then they are by anything they see on the TV (I've never seen anything in the media anti-vax, it is all VERY pro-vax, and shows anti-vaxers and zealouts and crazies).
And I found your comment about chicken pox laughable. Chickenpox is RARELY deadly in children, and if they receive it naturally they get lifelong immunity (instead of having to get boosters all through life, and risk getting it as an adult which would be VERY serious and deadly). In fact, if one of my friends had a child with chicken pox I would bring my kids over to their house in a heart beat so they could pick it up, fight it off, and get life-long immunity.
In most states you can use religious or philosophical exemptions. My daughter is in preschool and I signed the waiver and gave it back to them, easy. Yes, it is against my religion to kill my child, so it wasn't a hard thing to do.
My biggest reason for not vaccinating is simply this- they have never been proven to work. So yes, the deadly diseases are out there, and they are horrible, but why would I risk injuring my child's immune system permanately when it doesn't guarantee immunity, and they STILL could get the disease?
You may give them a shot, get many boosters, and the child may still have no immunity to the disease.
You have a much better chance of fighting the disease by learning about natural health, giving your children an organic healthy diet, immune building supplements, lots of sunshine and exercise, etc...
My daughter is in preschool, and so we wanted to find something a little more to help her since she would be exposed to so much, and so we have been doing homeopathic immunizations (which have been proven to be more effective, without ANY side effects).
Thanks, Carrington. I would LOVE to take my daughter (and myself) to a naturalpath doctor...but there are none in the area. :-(
ReplyDeleteI agree - I'm waiting for someone I know to get chickenpox so I can bring my daughter over there. Unfortunately, most people I know have vaccinated their children... :-(
If all the other children are vaccinated at school then how are they exposing my child? My children are actually not wild animals and don't bite, especially at school age.
ReplyDeleteAs for "And now students are not allowed in school without vaccines unless it is for religious reasons. You can no longer leave your child unvaccinated at Kinder age unless you sign the religion waiver. There is no longer a medical waiver. " this is incorrect information. Some states have done away with this waiver, however many states (including mine) continue to have this.
I second EVERYTHING Carrington said!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, there ARE medical exemptions for every state. There has to be, otherwise the government would have to assume liability for damages. By providing you with an exemption, they are giving you a "choice". All but 2 states have a religious exemption. I believe it is 8 states that provide a philosophical exemption.
ReplyDeleteSecond "immunity" from vaccines is temporary, and not everyone who is vaccinated generates enough of an immune response to be considered immune from the disease. When you vaccinate a newborn baby with a sexually transmitted disease like Hep B, you are protecting them for at best the first several years of their life. Way before the majority are sexually active. In a lot of cases too, people who become infected with a "deadly" virus are asymptomatic, or are a little sick for a few days.
Do you know why the chickenpox vaccine was added to the schedule? It is because of the money and productivity that is lost when parents have to stay at home with their sick kids. Lost work hours and lost productivity. Money, not for the good of the children.
Third, it is now coming to light that the strains used in some vaccines, like the one for pertussis are simply not effective anymore. Why? The virus has mutated.
I think the scariest argument I have ever heard about this issue is that all children need to be vaccinated to protect others. You have a duty to protect other children. If yours is vaccine injured/killed in the process, well that is just the cost of doing business. Many more lives are saved by vaccinating than by letting kids acquire immunity on their own, we are told.
It makes me soo angry to hear about experiences like yours with your daughter's pediatrician. It is absolutely ridiculous and simply a scare tactic that they have you sign a waiver, WHERE IS THE WAIVER that says that by injecting these heavy metals, preservatives, animal tissue, and other poisons into your 10-20 pound brand new baby you are taking a risk. Bullshit that they make you sign a waiver for not vaccinating and make you think you are taking some huge risk. You are not taking a risk by not vaccinating, any more than you are taking a risk to drive your damn car.
ReplyDeleteThere are two facebook groups that I highly recommend you check out-Proud Parents of unvaccinated kids, and the International Medical Council on Vaccines. GREAT sources of support and information. I can't stand it when people don't question vaccines, like they are some godsent effing miracle.
You are a great mama! shame on that ped! find a new one who treats you with respect. you pay them for a service not to be put down! I have 5 beautiful children. Long story short my first 2 have had almost all their shots up to ages 3 & 6. They are my sickest kids. my last 3 kids have had none & I boost their immune system through supplements (vit d3 vit C)& herbs like elderberry extract. When they get sick I amp up the dosage according to their age & let their body fight it off naturally. Rarely have they needed antibiotics. twice, & it was before I had all the info I have now on boosting your own health. Some things like strep always need antibiotics. There are many things you can do to help protect your daughter without a vax. Do not let these ignorant people scare you into vaxing when your gut tells you not too. There is aborted fetal tissue in some vaxes! There are so many side effects & you can read them yourself on the websites of the vax makers.
ReplyDeleteAlso, be careful what you sign b/c they can use that against you. Ask for it back & rip it up. Then give them one that is modified to show them you know what you are doing is best for your child! read & print out one of these forms to have ready!
Also, that rotovirus vax is awful & has serious side effects like twisted intestines & death. I can give you some great sites to help you. Here are some to check out:
Take care & know you are not alone!!
If you need anything let me know!
I also looked into the vaccine issue before having our daughter, and came to pretty much the same conclusion as you. The biggest one we wanted to get her was the DTaP, but just the first shot to see her through the first several months when pertussis can be fatal. She did well with that, so we thought we'd go ahead with the pediatrician's recommendations, which were to just give the DTaP, the Hib, and the pneumococcal. So we went ahead and gave her her second shot, the pneumococcal. She had been babbling at that point and even mimicking words (at only around 3 months!!), but after that second shot she was completely silent for 2 full weeks, after which she seemed to have to start over and re-learn the whole process. My husband and I felt that we had pushed our luck too far and we should have stuck with our original plan, rather than allow the pediatrician's pressure to get to us. In the end, it'syour child and you have to be the one to make the decisions one way or the other. It sounds like yours was an informed choice and I admire you for that. My only other comment would be that you've done your homework and you know that the chickenpox, measles, mumps, and rubella come with very little risk of complications. It's absurd for anyone to tell you that they are deadly diseases; those are just scare tactics. Go check the Merck Manual or some other reputable source and it will confirm it. I hear that the general impression of these childhood diseases BEFORE the shots became available was that they were normal, rites of passage that were generally too mild to need a vaccine for. Then when the vaccines came out, all of a sudden these are supposed to be deadly diseases. Well, my generation is seeing it now with the chickenpox vaccine, for example. Ridiculous. If it's available and you want it, fine, but don't mandate it for everyone.
ReplyDeletethere are actually some facebook pages that give great connections for this stuff! but the best thing to do in any situation(vaccinating or not) is to research! look into everything to make sure it is whats best for you and your children!
ReplyDelete@ Carrington.... thank you so much for what you wrote. I truely enjoyed it and parts of it brought a nice chuckle out of me as I agree with everything you had written. I don't believe in killing my child either :) Blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry you had such a horrible experience with you Ped... ours was similar and we ended up switching. We don't vaccinate at all with our youngest (our oldest has been vaccinated up to 6 months). Instead, we choose to support their immune system similar to what Georgette mentioned.
ReplyDeleteBut what I really wanted to comment on was BREASTFEEDING.... I am a huge BF advocate and the like the go-to mom for BF questions among my first time (BF) mommy friends. I totally agree breastfeeding is the best vaccine. There is so much going on in breast milk that protects babies from illnesses. More than even scientists understand.... LoL
Also, yes BF the best comforter ever!! Falls, bumps, disappointments.... all comforted by nursing. I'm so glad you were able to nurse your daughter during her shots. I'm sure she is much happier that way. I can't imagine what a little one feels when they are held down (by their caregiver no less) and stuck with a needle when they are already out of their element and probably completely unsure about whats going on. I nursed my youngest for his pku test and he did so great. My midwife was actually the one that suggested to do so. I hope that since your experience, the nurse at that office will suggest nursing during the shots to other BF Moms getting their little one vaccinated. :o)